Free Astrology Software Luck Astro Download

Free Astrology Software Luck Astro is helpful in predicting Customised Prediction for an horoscope, Cricket Match Predictions, Share Market,Currency Market, Commodity Market. Use the luck percentage component and generate luck percent for any time, any place in the world. Use this luck percent for individual or a group of persons, team, place or else.
Steps to use
- Download and click on setup and run setup.
- After installation of software it will ask for software key.
- To get this key you will have to contact Mohan Astrology by email or phone. Email: Mob: 9313131395
- To get software license key you will have to make payment for the license fee for respective software to use. License fee to use the software's is different for each software.
- For Luck Astro the license fees for license key to use the software for one license on one system is 9999.
- The key will be valid for one system only.
- If you intent to install key for more than one system you will have to make payment separately for each key.
- Keep your licence key in safe custody. We don't keep any record of your key. If you lost your key you will have to make the payment again.
- If you install more than one software on your system, you will have to buy different license key for different software.
Software Contains the following Items
- Get Luck Percent from your Birth Horoscope, Year Horoscope, Monthly Horoscope, Daily Horoscope, Hourly Horoscope and Minutes Horoscope
- Vedic Prediction & Remedies, Indian Astrology Prediction
- Success Graph in different fields
- Manglik Vichar
- Numerology Prediction
- Check Your Vaastu in your House and Factory
- Horoscope, Sudarshan Chakra, Friendship Chart, Varga Charts, Dasa, Yogini dasa, Char Dasa, Ashtakvarga, Sadesati, Horoscope Predictions, Kalsarpa, Gandmool and Positiveness